His DNA Test Results

Well John is 1.5% Neanderthal!!  He is more Neanderthal than the “average” person they sampled. I sure hope my results show less than that!


We took a DNA test through Ancestry.com a few years ago.  This year we ordered the National Geographic DNA test.  They look at different things – Nat Geo isn’t looking to connect us with relatives.  It is a more global look at gene migration through the years.  Where did most of your tidbits come from is their focus.

The left picture is from Ancestry.com.  He is 99% European.  The right picture is from National Geographic.  It states he is 100% European.  The highlighted areas look similar.  The percentages are hard to compare since their focus is different.  If people have been migrating around the European continent for the last 100,000 years, it makes sense you might see variations here.

John’s “Deep” ancestry shows that his haplogroups are pretty uncommon in the samples that National Geographic has collected.  Curious to learn more about these results.
